NEPA’S Teacher of the Month

We want to say THANK YOU to our area’s teachers!

 We appreciate all of you each and every day. That’s why we’re going to celebrate YOU, and we want all of NEPA to hear.

Tell us about your deserving teacher below:  Why are you nominating them? Do you see the hard work they put in everyday? Did they have an impact on your school years? We want listeners to tell the area how great our NEPA teachers are!

Nominate your TEACHER OF THE MONTH below and check back each month to see our latest honoree!


LISA KAZDA, GED Instructor of the EDSI Young Adult GED Program at PA CareerLink

Nominated by: Allyson Thomas

“Teaching was my passion since I was a little girl. I graduated from Penn State with an English degree. During the pandemic, I worked at Red Rock Job Corps and found a love for mentoring youth.
This sense of purpose led to teaching GED classes for 18 to 24-year-olds (young adults) at CareerLink with Equus and EDSI for two years. I also taught GED for adults at LCCC for one year.
I’m proud to say that I helped 68 individuals obtain a GED and go on to work, trade school and college.
My students have all types of success. Some of their accomplishments include Special Operations in the Military, Computer Programming, a Roadie for Rammstein, Cosmetology, Nursing, Trucking and Electrician.
My personal style is to meet students where they are at. I don’t put time limits on their education. The average time frame to obtain a GED is three months. If it takes a student longer or shorter, it is not a problem.
My next step is either a Master’s degree in Teaching or a Masters degree in Social Work.
My father always told me if I help a young person gain the skills to make a living, they will have a good life.
My life purpose is doing just that.”



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